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September 2017

    Awakenings of the soul

    September 19, 2017

    – Gotland Workshop –

    Part 2 of 3

    The quietude gave way to the commingle of strange voices; they came from all over as representatives of their very own corner of the world. I could see that twinkle and restlessness in their eyes, some greeted friends from other ventures and others with the joy of newly found ones. It is a grand thing to be in the midst of like-minded people. It is as if we all knew the language, we all wondered about the same things and came for the very same reasons.

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  • Urgude 218, The Farmhouse

    This is my story. My frame of what happened in Sproge Urgude 218, The Farmhouse. It was something I did not hope, nor expected to happen, but life has this way of catching up on…

    September 7, 2017